We have been made aware of a survey named as a NEA Human Geography Investigation is linking to this page. This survey has nothing to do with us or this website - and unfortuntely has no contact details associated with it. We have therefore removed the pages for the time being until the source of the survey can be verified. We are happy for the author of the survey to contact us to discuss aspects of the survey, as there are some unexpected questions in there.
Those seeking to learn about CLTs should consider looking at the Community Land Trust Network website, to gain an understand of how CLTs across the UK work in a rural location, as well as the model the National CLT suggest (it's not the one being used locally).
We suggest looking into the success stories highlighted by the National CLT, such as Eastington Community Land Trust - showing what can be achieved without the need for large scale development of market homes. We also suggest you look into the work of Cambridgeshire ACRE who have helped rural villages conduct housing need surveys and bring forward affordable housing projects. They have been impacted by the CLT "model" being used in this region.
Concerns have been raised over the survey promoting the Camps Field development as a new location for recreation in the village ("lively and social area for residents"). Our village already has an excellent recreation ground - used by groups within Wilburton and from neighbouring villages. It has been home to the cricket club for many years, as well as the Beer Festival and Fireworks - events the village in known for and can be proud of. Lets hope those events can return to the existing recreation ground and continue to be a success.