Journey Times for the A10 and B1049

We are collecting 'real' journey times for trips that involve the A10 between Stretham and the A14, or the B1049 (Twenty Pence Road) between Wilburton and the A14. If you do this journey and can help, please download the Word Document below, fill it in and return it to us ASAP (before the inquiry on 9th October please!) - our email address is available on the Contact Us page.

What we need is: starting point; start time; time taken to B1049 - Twentypence Road - in Wilburton or the A10 at Stretham roundabout (actually getting on to the road, not joining the back of the queue); time taken to the B1049 or A10 junction with the A14 (again, time to the 'give way' line, not the back of the queue). The same would be useful in the other direction as well. Obviously peak hours would be most helpful, but any time of day would be useful - and perhaps other journeys as well: Stretham roundabout to the first Ely roundabout; Stretham roundabout to Soham; Stretham roundabout to Haddenham cross roads (and the reverse of all these).

You don't have to live in just Wilburton, Haddenham or Stretham for this either - anyone using those roads can fill out a form. The more the merrier!

Thanks for you help!

Click here to get the Journey Times form